Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Tour

Previews are great. For some, they are annoying because the delay the start of a movie, but for most they provide a forecast of good movies to come. Previews for movies help market the movie. Often times, when deciding what movie to see people refer back to whether they have seen a preview a movie. The preview above is the movie of the comic, Persepolis, by Iranian expatriate Marjane Satrapi.

If people don't see movies without first seeing an ad or a preview of the movie, then they don't buy books without a preview. As stated in a previous post, most book consumers buy what's on the bestseller's list or from the bargain books table. Now chances are if the consumer is buying a book from the bestseller table it's because they heard about a book on TV, the radio, or from a friend. Why don't publishers market translations the same way?

Why not give book consumers previews of what's ahead? What if publishers launched book tours for foreign writers where authors would come to bookstores to do readings and sign books - just like those best selling authors. What makes this an even better idea is that it provides another opportunity for cultural exchange.

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Anonymous said...

Thomas Edward Lawrence, the same Lawrence who inspired the movie Lawrence of Arabia which won seven Academy Awards and I am also pretty sure that I managed to put Lawrence in a one sentence post four times.

And quotes are I think very essential because they inspire people to either agree or disagree. Either way, people are thinking...which is a good thing???

CES said...

T.E. Lawrence is correct! It was his first translation which he negotiated to do for a high flat fee with royalties.

Lawrence's participation in the Arab revolt and his relationship with many Arab leaders assisted the British when WWI broke out.

Thanks for the comment!